Saturday, 8 March 2014

But for the Grace

That person in the doorway, unkempt, with straggly hair
Perhaps he is a visionary, who's seen too much to bear.
That wino with the trolley, stuffed full with rags and junk
Perhaps they once lost all they loved and that's why they're so drunk.
See those who swallow booze and drugs, not counting up the cost
Perhaps it is to ease their pain, or because they feel so lost.
That man down in the gutter, though he might not show it
May just be a troubadour, an artist, or a poet.
To all those who sneer at them, like they are a different race
You only walk an easier path because of God's good Grace.
That person in the doorway, unkempt with straggly hair
Perhaps he is a visionary, who's seen too much to bear.

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